OS support

Here's an overview on what's currently supposed to work on which operating system and what not.

OS/archGUI installerREAPER installation
Windows 10+ (64-bit)OptimalFully automatedFully automated
Windows 7 and 8 (64-bit)AcceptableFully automatedFully automated
Windows * (32-bit)Not planned--
macOS 11+ (x86 64-bit and ARM 64-bit)OptimalGuidedFully automated
macOS 10.14 and 10.15 (x86 64-bit)AcceptableGuidedFully automated
macOS 10.13 or earlier (x86 64-bit)Unsupported--
macOS * (32-bit)Not planned--
Linux x86 64-bitNot idealNot workingFully automated
Linux ARM 64-bitNot available yet--
Linux * 32-bitNot planned--